Cambodian Landscape

Cambodian Landscape

Monday, May 28, 2012

Motos--A Way of Life

In Cambodia, just about every family has at least one motorcycle.  Here, it’s like the family car.  Everyone refers to motorcycles as “motos”.  The current record I’ve seen is seven people on a moto at one time. People here have amazing balance and strong core muscles due to them riding motos all over the country.  I remember a time when my Dad drove me to a school parking lot and tried to teach me how to ride a motorcycle. I failed miserably that day. I just couldn’t seem to get the hang of the clutch and gearshift.  Well, all that is in the past.  This past week, I rode a moto here in Cambodia and loved it!  There’s just something about putting on a helmet, tilting the visor down, and hitting the road on two wheels. I don’t think you’ll see me on a moto carrying 100 chickens or 2 adult pigs (a common scene here), but I will definitely ride a moto any chance I get.  Dad, if you’re reading this, you should know that the lesson you gave me 15 years ago has finally paid off.


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