Good Reads
I recently finished 2 books. One is Half the Sky: How to Change the World by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn. This book explains how empowering women in impoverished countries will effect change. There are lots of ideas and resources in the book for ways people from the “1stworld” can help. The book is filled with stories about real people in real situations. Some of the topics it discusses are human trafficking, education, microloans, and medical treatment.
The 2nd book is A Billion Bootstraps Microcredit, Barefoot Banking, and the Business Solution for Ending Poverty by Phil Smith and Eric Thurman. This book suggests using business principles as a way to end poverty. It provides examples of how microcredit and microloans have helped to end the cycle of poverty. This book is helpful for people who are interested in the details of microcredit, whether someone is wanting to start their own microloan or is wanting to give to one.
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