A few months back, I wrote how having all my extended family
around made me feel extravagant in Cambodia.
Something else that makes me feel extravagant here is my spiritual
family. I grew up with Christian parents
in a good church, so I have numerous spiritual mentors to learn from. In the U.S., people can explain how they have
had Christian believers in their families for multiple generations. And even for those first generation believers
in the U.S., they still have so many people they can turn to for help in
growing in their faith.
The church in Cambodia is still small. Having a spiritual mentor here is a special
and rare gift. Having multiple spiritual
mentors is practically unheard of. I am
grateful for the people in my life who have discipled me and guided me toward
Christ and pray that I can be an encouragement to the believers that I know
Please pray for the church in Cambodia, that believers would
be strengthened daily in their faith and that the church would grow.